Jesus Christ, the Savior of the World
The Blessed Virgin MaryJesus ChristThe Life of ChristThe Incarnation
7 lessonsChrist is man’s way back to God, through His Incarnation, all the deeds and sufferings of His life, and the sacraments that He instituted to give us a share in that life. In this course, we will explore the beginning of the third section of the Summa Theologiae, which charts out who Christ is and our life in Him, according to St. Thomas Aquinas.What you will learn
- An overview of the life of Jesus Christ
- How Jesus Christ is True God and True Man
- The motives of the Incarnation
- An introduction to the Blessed Virgin Mary
Course Content
Lesson 1: Why Did God Become Man? Motives of the Incarnation
Lesson 2: Jesus Christ: True God and True Man
Lesson 3: The Grace and Knowledge of Christ
Lesson 4: The Meaning of the Incarnation
Lesson 5: The Life of Christ
Lesson 6: The Blessed Virgin Mary
Lesson 7: The Paschal Mystery
Fr. Thomas Joseph White, O.P.Rector Magnificus, Pontifical University of St. Thomas (Angelicum).
Fr. Dominic Legge, O.P.Director, Thomistic Institute.
Associate Professor of Dogmatic Theology, Dominican House of Studies.
Fr. Gregory Pine, O.P.Assistant Director of Campus Outreach, Thomistic Institute.
Instructor of Dogmatic and Moral Theology, Dominican House of Studies.
Fr. James Brent, O.P.Assistant Professor of Philosophy and Chaplain to Commuter Students, Dominican House of Studies.
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