Our core courses on Thomistic philosophy and theology are excellent supplements to college-level classes.Help
Getting started
Welcome to Aquinas 101! We’re so glad you’re furthering your education in philosophy and theology with us!
Unsure of where to begin? Here’s a roadmap for getting the most out of our program
If you’re new to the thought of St. Thomas, we recommend: “Intro to St. Thomas Aquinas ”
Explore our extensive video library or use the search bar to find videos on topics that interest you.
Want to read St. Thomas yourself? Check out our digital Latin-English Summa theologiae.
For educators
“ Aquinas 101 is one of my favorite teaching resources for two reasons. First, it helps me personally to review the topic in a timely manner which then gives me confidence in the content area and also a renewed precision in my delivery.”
“ Second, the videos equip the students with key vocabulary and definitions and helpful animations that illustrate the analogies. It is truly delightful to see how these excellent videos help even the youngest students to grasp and articulate the treasures of our Faith!”- Sr. Amelia, O.P.
High Schools
Aquinas 101 is both a helpful content review for teachers and an engaging in-class resource for students.RCIA/Religious Ed
We highly recommend our courses on the sacraments for teachers and students involved in sacramental preparation.Families
Aquinas 101 is enjoyable for all ages! We invite parents to watch and discuss the videos with your children at home.FAQ
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