Who is God? How Can We Know Him?
Proving God's ExistenceThe One GodThe Triune God
8 lessonsOne of the greatest questions ever asked is whether God exists. In this course, we will first address arguments for the existence of God, including St. Thomas’ Five Ways, or Five Proofs for the Existence of God. Then, we will study God Himself: how we know Him, and what we can know about Him. Finally, we will cover the Trinity.
What you will learn
  • St. Thomas’ famous Five Ways
  • How we can know God
  • What we can know about God
  • The Persons and Missions of the Trinity
Course Content
Five Ways to Prove God Exists
Lesson 1: Five Ways to Prove God Exists
The Divine Attributes
Lesson 2: The Divine Attributes
Naming God
Lesson 3: Naming God
God's Knowledge
Lesson 4: God's Knowledge
What is God's Will?
Lesson 5: What is God's Will?
The Triune God
Lesson 6: The Triune God
The Persons of the Trinity
Lesson 7: The Persons of the Trinity
The Missions of the Trinity
Lesson 8: The Missions of the Trinity
Fr. Gregory  Pine, O.P.
Fr. Gregory Pine, O.P.Assistant Director of Campus Outreach, Thomistic Institute. Instructor of Dogmatic and Moral Theology, Dominican House of Studies.
Fr. James  Brent, O.P.
Fr. James Brent, O.P.Assistant Professor of Philosophy and Chaplain to Commuter Students, Dominican House of Studies.
Fr. Thomas Joseph  White, O.P.
Fr. Thomas Joseph White, O.P.Rector Magnificus, Pontifical University of St. Thomas (Angelicum).
Fr. Dominic  Legge, O.P.
Fr. Dominic Legge, O.P.Director, Thomistic Institute. Associate Professor of Dogmatic Theology, Dominican House of Studies.
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